The Implicit Career Search (ICS)
Purpose then Strategy Part One
Steve gives an overview of the ICS approach to Leif Cervin on the Sweden TV channel.


The Implicit Career Search (ICS) was created by Steve Miller in 1994 and now forms the foundation for a number of other purpose based career development programs.
Working On Purpose (Live-online)
Five 2-hour modules delivered live via Zoom by Steve. Currently available at no cost to all residents of Alberta, Canada. Participants are led through the entire ICS approach and end the week by writing a draft of their career plan. The Career Hero online program is then available for those wishing to explore any of the modules at a deeper level.
Working On Purpose (In-Class)
Five 3-hour modules delivered by a qualified practitioner that combines the brevity of the Working On Purpose live online program with the added experiential benefit of the original ICS workshop. Participants begin a draft of their career plan and complete it with their career advisor and/or by utilizing the Career Hero Online Program

Career Hero
(Self-paced online)
Miller worked with Career Coach and ICS Practitioner, Silviu Cojacaru, to develop a self-paced online program that stays true to the tenets of ICS and provides coaching in the form of monthly group calls.
Implicit Leadership
Two extremely successful pilot projects, one in Sweden and the other in Victoria BC, have shown that encouraging staff to develop purpose based career plans results in significant improvements in engagement, resilience, turnover and succession planning.

‘WE WORK’ is a short read describing the philosophy and approach behind ICS. To view this document enter your email address and name below.
“Steve has done some wonderful and amazing work in the area of employment for people that may seem a little lost with the direction of their life, and people of many descriptions that just don’t quite know what their path in life really is. His book WE WORK… is a testament to the research and knowledge he has done to get people re-framing this discussion and helping them find their passion to get to the career of their choice, it still is a journey, but once they have the fire inside, many are unstoppable!“
Nate Toevs, Employer Outreach Developer, WorkBC Assistive Technology Services, Burnaby, BC Canada
Helping Employment Agencies get clients into Meaningful and Sustainable Work. Quickly.
A couple of segments from previous monthly coaching calls consisting of clients from various Alberta Employment Agencies:

Your Career and your Contribution
Steve Miller will help you if don’t have a clue how to think about your career, your interests, what you should do or should do next. Tune in to find out how to define your purpose, create a strategy and build a plan to land your ideal role. The process works for anyone: someone just starting their career, someone who is mid-career and someone who wants to shift careers.

Finding your purpose with a Mindset of Growth
Steve Miller describes what he does as an opportunity to help people move their life from confusion to clarity by clearly defining who you are and what you will contribute with your life’s work. He enables them to develop a simple, attainable life and career plan based on purpose.
Feedback on the Implicit Career Search.
“It is, and I mean this in all seriousness, the best career development program that I have come across in 20+ years of doing this work. It’s almost spooky just how well it maps onto and addresses the deeper issues that our society and clients are facing these days. You are ahead of your time.”
Jamie Hoskins
Career Coach, Vancouver“The Career Hero Program – The AHA! Moment online course is a great support to Prospect Human Services clients career journey which includes career planning and career development as well as other support such as sense of self, motivation, and clarity of work purpose. The feedback is superlative, and the online courses are beneficial and useful. Steve and Silviu supported, helped, and encouraged clients and have been fantastic as the customer’s expectations have been exceeded!”
Kim Dalton, (she/her)
Employment Specialist – Prospect Human Services, Calgary AlbertaBrendan Bakay
Contract and Procurement Specialist Government of Alberta.Clients
Some of the clients who have applied ICS in one way or another. For businesses it was mostly to help them get results in areas of staffing. Universities and colleges have applied to the program to help their students get focussed and as a service to their community. Employment agencies have found that ICS not only enhances their reputation within the community, it helps them reach those all important KPI’s!.

Contact us
If you are looking to develop your own purpose based career or are looking to keep and develop your most valuable staff please do not hesitate to contact us.