We understand that humans not only have a unique contribution to deliver during our lives but that we implicitly and deeply desire to make this contribution.
Steve Milller
Today’s successful organizations are well aware that their ability to attract, retain and optimize highly productive staff members, requires a willingness to invest in their employee’s development on the human as well as technical side.
High achieving individuals are now looking for more than financial remuneration for their efforts; they want to know that their employee is willing to work with them in developing their potential to the fullest.
This means much more than providing benefits such as day care, golf trips and
other perks. Today’s employees want to be recognized for the expertise and creativity that they can provide to their company and successful organizations will provide means for their employees to develop and express their talents within the company.
All too often however, brilliant methods for improving organizational productivity blaze with promise, and then fade away. While the technical side of change is often well developed and executed, the necessary and accompanying human change is not addressed sufficiently to support this.
Dealing with organizational problems without incorporating self-awareness is an exercise in self-deception and is virtually certain to ensure that any change achieved will be short-lived. Without the people in the organization developing more self-awareness and increased self-esteem, the actions of the organization are bound to reflect self-deception, and personal and interpersonal problems will be converted into nonproductive activities.
The Implicit Leadership Program provides efficient and transformative change for your organization by addressing human issues, leading to greater accomplishment of goals and better individual, team, and organizational performance. The modern CEO is now moving from being less of a Chief Executive Officer to more of a Creator of Emerging Organizations!
The Emergent Leader Training Program will provide your organization with:
- Successful leadership development
- Effective succession planning
- Increased retention of high-achievers
- Personnel aligned with organizational mission
- Better teamwork, greater cooperation
- Greater respect for diversity
Experience has shown us that organizational change begins with the individual. Personal awareness, responsibility, and engagement form the basis for lasting change in teams and organizations. By dealing with root causes rather than superficial behaviors, Phase 1 of Implicit Leadership Training helps people eliminate the distortions that sabotage them, undermine their relationships, and lower their motivation. The result is profound and lasting change including:
• Increased productivity
• Greater accountability
• Increasingly effective levels of communication (i.e. shorter staff meetings)
• Higher levels of engagement
• Reduced defensive behavior—saving time, effort, and aggravation
• Improved results, at lesser cost, from technical training
• Improved innovation and problem solving
• Greater flexibility and capacity for change
Career success, both as individuals and within organizations, depends largely upon the plan that is put in place to achieve it. An Implicit Career Search plan guides individuals toward a clearer sense of purpose before providing them with a strategic vision to release the implicit contribution they wish to make to the world with their career.
The Implicit Career Search approach is based on two assumptions:
- Each of us has something unique to contribute to the world
- Each of us desires to deliver this contribution.
Upon concluding Phase 2 of Implicit Leadership Training each participant will have completed a:
- Personal Mission Statement describing the person they intend to be, addressing issues such as work/life balance, health, recreation,
- Work Purpose Statement declaring the contribution the individual intends to make through his or her life’s work
- •Strategic Career Plan envisioning how that work purpose aligns with the organization’s mission and defining the career goals of the individual within and, sometimes, beyond the organization.
Phase 3 applies the foundational material of the previous two phases to the human issues in the organization. Participants are provided with a series of experiential exercises and situations designed to help the following emerge:
- Leadership development
- A deep understanding of the relationship between compatibility and productivity in work teams
- The ability to handle difficult conversations
- A knowledge of how to promote effective teamwork
- The ability to facilitate a highly effective model for group decision-making
- The confidence to handle pressure with composure and expertise
- Promote and develop emerging talent within others
Success Story
Brentwood Bay Resort wins Canadian Tourism Business of the Year.
Article taken from the Victoria Times Colonist, Dec. 6, 2016 “We have changed the standard focus of tourism operations at our resort. We recognized the transient nature of employment in our industry and have chosen to accept and embrace this nature, changing our focus from retention to attraction,” said Brentwood Bay general manager Natasha Richardson. “I quote a dear friend and business colleague,
At Brentwood Bay Resort, we provide every employee who works with us the opportunity to discover their own unique purpose,” said Richardson. This has truly changed the way in which we work together and provide authentic service to our guests.” PHOTO: (from left) Pablo Reyes, Brentwood executive housekeeper; Natasha Richardson, Brentwood general manager; Elizabeth May; and Fitti Lourenco of Air Canada, at the Tourism Industry Association of Canada Awards.